Medical Physics is the application of physical to medicine. Generally refers to the related physical medical imaging and radiotherapy , although a medical physicist may also work in other areas of health.
is a branch of physics multidisciplinary in that it uses basic concepts and techniques and the specific physical , biology and medical the medical field. [1] Applies physical basis in multiple therapeutic techniques, providing the basis for the understanding of modern medical technologies and setting standards for the use of physical agents in the area of \u200b\u200bhealth.
The medical physicist is also involved, along with other professionals in the preparation of measuring biomedical variables, such as equipment calibration and control measures for radiation protection to control the quality of the hardware used in health.
is a branch of physics multidisciplinary in that it uses basic concepts and techniques and the specific physical , biology and medical the medical field. [1] Applies physical basis in multiple therapeutic techniques, providing the basis for the understanding of modern medical technologies and setting standards for the use of physical agents in the area of \u200b\u200bhealth.
The medical physicist is also involved, along with other professionals in the preparation of measuring biomedical variables, such as equipment calibration and control measures for radiation protection to control the quality of the hardware used in health.
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