El proyecto de derribo y posterior reconstrucción del actual coso taurino eibarrés para transformarlo en un recinto polivalente de uso público va tomando forma. El Ayuntamiento tiene ultimado el pliego de condiciones para la contratación de la redacción del proyecto y dirección de obra. El concejal de Urbanismo, Eneko Andueza, ha adelantado las líneas básicas del contenido de la propuesta que sale a licitación.
Se mantiene la idea básica de crear un espacio polivalente, having the function bullring several days a year and the rest will become a large public park covered for use by the public, and celebrate cultural and sporting events of all kinds.
The park will be generated will have 2,000 square meters, in a circular, usable area (more than the Town Hall Square Unzaga, which has 1,800 square meters), the soil is conditioned special equipment will be enabled playgrounds, sports fields or areas of residence with banks.
The museum will be closed with a permanent cover (it has ruled out the possibility of having a retractable roof) with ventilation systems, ventilation and heating, "and trying to exit a building with the minimum of both aesthetic and visual impact on adjacent dwellings and in the environment," explains Andueza.
The project includes several additional steps. On the one hand, the specification includes the construction of an underground párkink, with a minimum of a plant and create about a hundred parking spaces for residents, which would be sold to try to recover part of the investment. "It would be a very central area of \u200b\u200bgarages that will alleviate the shortage of parking," says the councilman. And then there is the development of all the current environment of the bullring. Grandstand
One of the main virtues of the proposed project is, according to Andujar, which responds to the most important demands of citizens, creating a covered space where they stand in times of rain or bad weather. "Besides," added the socialist council want it to be a modern and aesthetically pleasing, both inside and outside, so that both the aesthetics and access invite citizens to come. "
But in addition to the free surface to be generated in the form of indoor park, will enable a huge circular terraces with comfortable seating and modern be used both to stay and the public on days of performances. The idea reflected in the specification is to enable a capacity of between 3,500 and 4,000 locations. For reference, Ipurua football field has a capacity of 5,500 spectators and sports hall center court Ipurua where Arrate plays, has the capacity for 1,800 attendees.
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