Friday, December 18, 2009

Developments In Engineering Insurance

Catalan Parliament agrees deal with the popular legislative initiative to ban bullfighting. ? p_format = D & p_id = 25818218

The full Parliament has agreed this morning to process the bill to ban bullfighting in Catalonia, the result of a legislative initiative of the Platform Prou \u200b\u200band has the support of more than 180,000 citizens. The ILP has passed this first debate to the full after the chamber rejected by secret ballot, amendments to all submitted by the PSC-CPC, PPC and Joint. The three amendments have had 59 votes to 67 votes against and 5 abstentions.

This initiative proposes to amend section 6 of the text of the law on protection of animals, approved by Decree Law 2 / 2008, dated April 15, that prohibits "bullfighting bulls and shows including the death of the animal and the application of the 'luck' of the pike, the flags and the stock "and also" any form bullfights are held in arenas or outside, except for those parties with bulls without killing the animal (bull) that made in locations where traditionally held. The proposal also provides that the government provide financial compensation to the owners of the arenas.

From now on the ILP will be processed as any other legislative initiative, ie, groups can request hearings of sectors involved in the committee concerned and can then make amendments to the Articles of the ILP. Discussed these amendments in committee, the ILP must return to the plenary for discussion and final vote. At any time during the parliamentary process and before the final vote before the full, Prou \u200b\u200bPlatform can request removal of the initiative.

since 1995 can be presented to Parliament popular legislative initiatives and the camera has approved three. The first was the law in support of Catalan teams, in 1999, the second, the law governing the incineration of waste in 2000, and the third law, the creation of quality child care in 2004.

Anna Mulà and Arribas, member of the sponsoring committee of the ILP, has climbed to the rostrum of the Chamber and has defended the ban of bullfighting. Then it was the turn of parliamentarians: David Pérez (PSC-CpC), Albert Rivera (Working Group) and Rafael Luna (PPC) have been the first to take the floor to explain their respective amendments to the entire initiative and were then positioned on the text of the proposal and the amendments, Josep Rull (CiU), Joan Puigcercós (ERC) and Frank Pane (ICV-EUiA).

The debate has been followed from the public gallery by members of the Platform Prou \u200b\u200band also for people who want the continuation of bullfighting, as the matador Serafin Marín.

In the morning session the camera also has substantiated two CiU summoned on self-employment and the promotion of volunteerism. The first, addressed to the Minister of Labour, Mar Serna, has been made Meritxell Borras, while the second, addressed to the Minister of Governance and Public Administration, Jordi Ausàs, has made Cleries Josep Lluís.

Finally, the full has rejected three motions, two of CiU and CPP, on housing policy, the implementation of the directive on the liberalization of services and security.


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