Monday, September 28, 2009

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Summary of entries for the months of August and September. Haro


Ayto. Almeria Plaza de toros .... ... 2,000,000 euros.

Ayto. Leganés taurine Celebrations .... .... 390,000 euros.

Valdeolmos Celebrations taurine-Alalpardo .. .. 30,000 euros.

Dip Valencia Plaza de toros .... .... 1.5 million euros.

Spain bullfights .... .... 300,000,000 euros.

(within the range given in the publication 5days, 300 to 600 million, reflecting the lesser amount produced to offset the fall in some data published during the year due to crisis , who has broken at times initial estimates for previous entries).

AUGUST TOTAL: 303.92 million euros .

(More than 50.568 million old pesetas)


Castellón City Council
bullfights .... .... 21 860 euros.

Antequera Bullring .... .... 230,000 euros.

Córdoba City Council
bullfighting museum .... .... 4,273,000 euros.

Andalusia Plaza .. Guillena bulls .. € 112,000.

Dip. Bulls Valencia Plaza Valencia .... .... 3,500,000 euros.

Management Town Hall Square Haro bulls .... .... 12,000 euros.

SEPTEMBER TOTAL: 8,148,860 euros.


312 068 860 EUROS.
total entries collected during the third quarter 2009:
JULY .... 24,143,542 euros.
AUGUST .... 303 920 000 euros.
SEPTEMBER .... 8,148,860 euros.
EUR 336,212,402.
FIRST QUARTER .... 369,549,737 euros.
SECOND QUARTER .... 52,467,089 euros.
THIRD QUARTER .... 336,212,402 euros.
TOTAL: EUR 758,229,228.
According Victorio Valle, director of the English Foundation of Savings Banks (Funcas) The Government intends to increase by 5,000 million euros to fund the increase in VAT by two points. In the absence of a quarter to the end of 2009 and the data contained in official journals and newspapers are true, Every time we let her hands in his pocket to pay for something, the 0.3032% tax increase that will go directly to animal abuse , torture and murder of tens of thousands of bulls that annually serve to satisfy the bloodlust of some unscrupulous crazy and anchored in ancestral rites.
These figures are not collected, is proverbial secrecy and opacity surrounding bullfighting and surrounding community grants, state, regional or provincial cattle bulls, the medical expenses that arise both major festivals such as minors; working hours of employees of public institutions involved in myriad ways, the expenses incurred in the recruitment of veterinarians, ambulance ... DO NOT COLLECT virtually nothing, only what an ordinary citizen in his efforts to end this cultural and social evil can get.

If we knew the real data ... "SHAME"

Monday, September 21, 2009

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The City Council pays 12,000 euros for the management of the bullring in the town.

January 2010. According to information collected by this means, that is the date that will largely determine the future of the Plaza de Toros de Haro, once the period given by the City management jarrero Toloharo the company to exploit the bullring after the standard in the north of Spain under the name of Friends of Haro, then non-profit association and more of an upset, which shaped the most unique call bullfighting season: bullfighting festival began with a luxury paseíllo (Curro Romero, Rafael de Paula, Curro Vázquez, Antonio Chenel 'Antoñete', Luis and Jose Luis Francisco Esplá Manzanares, Alava novillero addition Jeromo Santamaria) and allowed to address the restoration of an old building which languished over time and its conversion into municipal warehouse.
The celebration mixed together in the same bill to a rejoneador and two bullfighters on 5 September, the last of the quotes that were required for Toloharo for the four-year concession in the specification, ushered in a period of uncertainty about the future of the square Haro is going to be expanded in coming months because the alleged resignation of the company formed by members of Haro and Toulouse to be awarded the new contract has not been publicly confirmed .
The final decision was informed hereby be adopted at the general meeting of shareholders of the firm, called for earlier this year. Only then, the sources consulted by the mail, decide if you have escrow when you open the period for submitting proposals to the Corporation announcing the contest locally. "That Toloharo chooses to manage the Plaza for the period stipulated in the new statement (most likely is that it is for a period of four years but has not yet been defined that detail) is not ruled out ", might know this means, despite the discouragement caused by the mass of the company's progressive reduction in the level of attendance at plaza del Rosal. Improvements in the statement

Giro, therefore, in the round to consider a possibility ruled out a few weeks ago. And opening therefore a period of negotiations that would conclude, after reviewing the economic terms it was drafted the statement for the last four years 2006/2009 with timely improvement of the conditions set by the Corporation riojalteña.
It appears that the contribution from the City coffers, 12,000 euros per season, although no one could increase rule even to relax the requirements set out in the schedule. Today is imposed holding four festivals: a run of spring with some of the best figures of bullfighting ladder, the festival will benefit the restoration of the plaza, and the two festivals that are included in the program of festivities San Felices and the Virgen de la Vega.
Of eligible for concession Toloharo now publicly represented by Philip Love, wield 325,000 reasons, euros invested by the company in the restoration of plaza since set in motion, now twenty years ago, the convening of bullfighting festival that has brought the first swords Haro.

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Valencia Provincial Council will pay 3.5 million euros to cover the space cost bulls in the city.

The bullring in Valencia will be cover to "ensure independent use of weather and improve the convenience of users," as emphasized in the blueprint for covering the enclosure, which has had access 20 minutes.
The work, which drives the Diputación de Valencia , Cost just over 3.5 million euros and has a deadline of five months. Provincial Corporation plans to start work next October.
The project aims to "strengthen the position as a center of cultural and social events crowded." In particular, "shows, concerts, contests and bullfights." To do so, "we must extend the timetable in the autumn and winter without worry about the weather." Form

lens cover given by the team Monleón Salvador is' an inflatable textile structure with double curvature lens-shaped. " The fabric cover is removable in just two days.
The work consists of a double membrane inflated with compressed air (30-60 kg/m2) inside, which makes it resist its own weight and allows you to save the 86 meters in diameter that has the ring. "It is imperative that the cover is not visible by pedestrians from the outside so that the view remains unchanged," they say. Bullrings
Zaragoza and San Sebastian or Vistalegre Palace (Madrid) are also covered to protect from the rain. Historic monument

The bullring in Valencia, located in the heart of the city, was built in 1850, is based on the Roman theater Flavio Marcelo. It has undergone several architectural changes, the first after a fire in 1946. In 1968 he carried out the reduction of the ring and the expansion of the bleachers. In 1995 he expanded the barriers and contrabarrera, leaving the existing capacity by 12,884 places. In 1983 he was declared of Cultural Interest (BIC).

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The Ministry of Interior of the Andalusian subsidized with 112,000 euros to Guildford to reform the bullring.

Guildford City Council is undertaking the rehabilitation of a building Annex to the bullring. The investment is 112,566 euros, thanks to a grant from the Ministry of Interior of the Government of Andalusia. The building, which stands on the street Echegaray, 6 (Cuesta de la Vega), will allow the arena has administrative and management units. In addition, this work has brought to light some of the walls of the old Moorish castle, which sits on the ring guillenero. The project involves the viewing of the wall from the outside, thus ensuring the preservation of our cultural heritage and histórico.La Guillena bullring is the oldest in the province of Seville and is built on the remains of the courtyard of an ancient Moorish castle. Little remains and those that remain suggest that it was rectangular of about 100 by 60 meters. This note of guillenero sew one of the most intimate corners and beautiful bullfighting. Among the greats who have ever fought in that arena are legendary The Espartero, Reverte, Gorete, Juan Belmonte and El Algabeño, among others.

Monday, September 14, 2009


"Crash Livestock: 2,000 surplus bulls." Cordoba

The sword of Damocles hanging crisis looming on the Fiesta, as one of the economic sectors of Spain, has sunk to the hawks in the rough rubble field. The downhill economic branches in the paddock as the long shadows of the trees. So far this season, shows reduction in the field has left more than 2,200 surplus bulls. Only until August celebrations were held over 354 (runs, shank and heifers) less than in 2008. The accounts are clear if multiplied, without including hats, for the six bulls that in each: 2,124 animals have been made and no ring. If this is compounded by the decline of amateur and folk festivals streets, the number shoots like a rocket to the moon in 69. The city coffers have turned off the tap for bullfighting, so many farmers, especially those under name, second row or 'marks white ", have been pushed to urgently rethink the future. Since last season was expected a decline, but few imagined the debacle. Less
paseíllo. This translates into less paseíllo of bullfighters, and not just the modest, but also those who monopolize the top of the ladder. As shown in table illustrating the information, El Fandi leader in 2008, he had 83 runs last year in late August and he, 66 the same time, the runner (El Cid) last season totaled 69, this The second position (Perera) accumulates 58. Any negative reading has a positive angle: celebrations disappear artificial unprofitable assemblies, which inflated the market and a roster with more than 200 murderers. The bullfighters are worse off: only 24 has done little walk 'number 1'. And that is the figure layer, white horse and patrons who came from other sectors has left the scene. The flaggers also suffer from the crisis with greater sensitivity. The employer does not escape to a smaller crowd, only capeada collaboration with most figures.
of the fat to skinny. If we take it two years ago, the matter takes dyes fatal. In 2007, the brilliant record of 2,176 set a celebration, a market for a runaway figure overstated. The age of cows fat pen opened the skinny: 300 less were held in 2008. This season is yet another litmus test: Taurine September, the largest number of celebrations in August. Reduction
heads. Breeders' associations bulls do not hide their concern. Since the Union of Breeders (UCTL), which brings 75 percent of the iron -321-holders and 47 candidates, have warned of the danger: "They sell little and there is plenty left over in the field," says Isabel Carpio, secretary the UCTL. He explains some "tricks" for this terrible recession more bearable in the future: "Some mothers will reduce the number of the minimum required (More rigor in the selection). " Others will try to sell them to people (so called "bous al carrer 'or bulls Mediterranean street can buy today a run for the price of a bull) or for training of skilled, low cost. Some will choose for the decline of head. "It is ludicrous, because at least they do not cost a year in winter." Although many have thought of this possibility can not eliminate all expectation: "We talk to extensive livestock ranching, so you have to keep the number of cattle per hectare. It seeks to restore the environmental balance, although in the case of the bull is more than overcome, it remains an ecosystem unique '.
The slaughterhouse: a run for it's worth raising a bull. The Macelo appears as one of the last options, the costs for raising a bull ranging over three thousand euros, varies according to the territory, there are more expenses, for example, in the mountains of Madrid in the Andalusian marshes, and a slaughter their meat is worth just five hundred euros. In other words, you pay for a run is worth the same as raising a bull. "We paid 1.70 euros per kilo carcass of a male or cinqueño cuatreño" show from the slaughterhouse Madrid-Norte de San Agustín de Guadalix, which buys most bull fight in streets of the Community. Close
herds. Amid this critical situation, more than a farmer will have no choice but to close the gate. Experts say that some new kind of disappear, many "brick" (builders enriched housing bubble) - which embarked on this adventure on a whim and vanity than a hobby. "The lifetime, with tradition and vocation, they will fight to stay, but maybe other ...», says Carpio. Despite the severe damage of the crisis, will be a way to redirect the market and be more rigorous in the selection. In good times all worth while demand is absorbing everything, and now the tables have turned: more supply than demand. Rebates
runs. While some will be left with half of the litter in the enclosures, other farms (trademarks) have sold almost everything and almost kept prices on the fair circuit. Of course, the depreciation of the runs of intermediate and low iron is considerable: some have not passed the tiny amount of nine billion euros, which does not cover production costs. As early as 1984 warned Don Alvaro Domecq y Díez that "while not paid by a bull at the top of the 650,000 pesetas and run, therefore, above 3,900,000 pesetas, the benefits are so small, if the has, not surprisingly there who be discouraged. " Not half charge some per run. It is the law of supply and demand: more waste and less celebration, which will release some more rebates foreign department stores in January. Competition 'unfair' has emerged.
Health Policy. Although the picture is crude for any livestock, greatly to the bulls. Precisely because of the rough condition, the bull requires special handling and requires, however, a schedule like meek. Account Carpio, Secretary of the UCTL that is widespread disenchantment with the European health policy, strictly enforced by the autonomous communities. The controls have multiplied as veterinary costs. Every now and must move to clean up an entire livestock. As if it were the docile bull beef.

Monday, September 7, 2009

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4,273,000 euros devoted to bullfighting museum.

On June 26 I got a entry for the same purpose by an amount of 2,727,000 euros.
The reformed House of Armenta Bulls or suffer a major restoration that will last for about six years and will cost in the aggregate exceed 7 million euros , but the idea of City Council is to make it a modern bullfighting museum with a clear concept of museum, which unite past, present and future, besides the historical significance of Cordoba in the development of bullfighting, the bull-fighting world today, including the views detractors and its projection in time. It is, in short, according to Rafael Blanco, to create a facility able to value and interpret the world of bullfighting, in interaction with other artistic disciplines.

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Moscatel already in the "corridor of death." Antequera

Tordesillas lived on the evening of Saturday the first activity of taurine and credits in the very near Fiestas de la Peña 09: The uncage of cattle of traditional celebrations (the closures) and the main protagonist of the feast the Toro de la Vega and his hat. Three trucks
herds from San Martín and La Gloria Hernandez Plá made their entry into the wheel ten eral, a Utrero and eleven bulls all aimed at traditional celebrations or closures that will be held next on 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 September. The third
and last truck out 'Moscatel', bull chosen this year for the Toro de la Vega 09. It's a bull from the ranch of Victorino Martin Andres, weighing 540 kilos, black Entrepelado energetic. As he put his feet in the ring from the plaza and gave his first races, applauded tordesillanos bull, which means that the morlaco "liked." From now until next September 15 when it fought in the Tournament of the Toro de la Vega rest in the meadows of Zapardiel along with the rest of the animals. That

vitorino, 1978 Thirty-one years earlier, another vitorino was the benchmark for the holidays tordesillanas. The bull was purchased in 1978 gave to speak, according to the historian Jesús López Garaño. That bull showed bravery, boasting of caste and lunging at anything that moved swiftly and smartly. When he walked into the bullpen, the large audience applauded for cattle. The morning of the tournament came out with impressive force, reached the bridge over the Douro, but was quoted by a boy and called by the spectators returned to their place of origin, the plaza, opening himself a whack the thick doors of San Antolin and wanting jump. He got his hands on a barrier, to the height of the covers 4 and 5. Was slain between the tables clubs San Antolin, who instilled fear everybody.

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230,993.76 euros spent in the bullring. Others who do not suffer the effects of the crisis. Castellón

"Given that you requested from the Office Technical Works
offers the following entities: Mave SC Construction, Building Construction
Maesle SL and SL Gari and Pepin. Once submitted the same, rising by the Municipal Technical report proposing the award of tender to the bid submitted by " Mave SC constructions.
Whereas Article 135 of Law 30/2007, of 30 October, Public Sector Contracts, that it is for the temporary award and publication in the contractor's profile of the contracting authority.
For these reasons and in exercise of the powers vested on me under the existing legislation
come to solve:
FIRST: The provisional award of the tender for the work "Several improvements in the courtyard of horses in the Plaza de Toros de Antequera the entity "Mave SC Construction, for the price of one hundred and ninety-nine thousand one hundred thirty-two euros and fifty-five cents (€ 199,132.55), + thirty-one thousand eight hundred sixty-one with twenty euro cents Euro (€ 31,861.21) of VAT

Friday, September 4, 2009

My Nose Seems Crooked

pay EUR 12,860 tickets for the bulls. Tourism spent another 9,000 in a bullfight.

Castellón City Council paid 12,860 to buy tickets for the Charity to Run organizes the Castellón County Council, yesterday denounced as socialist spokesman Mario Edo.
The Tourist Board of the City of Castellón and spent another 9,000 euros to buy tickets for a bullfight at the Club de Campo Mediterráneo, Borriol, which was organized for the Masters Golf Azahar, an event sponsored by the Generalitat and the Diputación de Castellón.
Socialist spokesman Mario Edo in the city of Castellón denounced in a statement that "it is unjustifiable that the mayor played so happily with the money of all Castellón, when it's not to say that the City is experiencing a critical financial situation."
"The People's Party uncontrolled waste is more obscene still in a situation of generalized crisis that is leaving thousands jobless Castellón," said Edo.
Socialist spokesman Alberto Fabra demanded an explanation from Mayor Castellón by the PP, by "unnecessary expenditure and quite dispensable, it makes no sense in a public institution and is an insult the thousands of unemployed Castellón.
spending Edo interpreted as a result of "influence" that the president of the council has on the government team. "Carlos Fabra lift your finger and the Mayor and Deputy Mayor take orders they come from the palace of the classrooms, "said Socialist spokesman.
" What people should know is that the high taxes it has adopted the PP are not working to improve public services, "continued Edo," not can play with the money as it is doing castellonenses PP. If you want to pay whims and give away tickets to the bulls that they are paying out of pocket, "said Edo.
" While employers and workers in Castellon see them and want them to address the crisis, the PP is the money spent by all in splendor, luxury and ostentation, "the Socialist spokesman at City Hall.